Saturday, May 9, 2009

Summer Kick Off

A sweaty city summer is on the horizon so we eat by candlelight staring out our one big window dreaming of porches and pools.

If you squint the broccoli rabe could look like an upstate forest sauteed in tons of butter.

We paired the broccoli rabe with sweet apple smoked chicken sausage, and made a chilled salad of cucumbers, cilantro, carrots, onions and Vietnamese dressing. Wine in old jelly jars.

We took a cue from Ben on the mashed potatoes: sage butter. Easy and instantly delicious. Lucas contributed a dish of yellow squash - chopped and roasted in the oven with butter until perfectly edible. He also wrapped onion halves in tinfoil and threw them in the oven which made them sweet and a solid side dish. Whatever poolside barbecues, we'll just dip our toes in the tub afterwards.


  1. way to make me die with homesickness for your home. instead of the one im at, which is mine.
